Two old ladies Dolly and Ruby were talking about their grandchildren. Dolly said, “Each year I send each of my grandchildren a card with a generous...
Two men were having a slow round of golf because the two ladies in front of them managed to get into every sand trap, lake, and...
A husband and wife went to the fairgrounds. The wife wanted to go on the Ferris wheel, but the husband wasn’t comfortable with that. So the...
A wealthy man walked into a bar in Miami. As soon as he entered, he noticed an old woman, sitting in one corner. He walked over...
A maid asks the lady of the house for a raise. “Why on Earth do you think you deserve that?” the lady asks. Because your husband...
An old man marries a young woman and they are deeply in love. However, no matter what the husband does loving, the woman never achieves orgasm...
An elderly gentleman went to the local drug store and asked the pharmacist for tablet. The pharmacist said “That’s no problem. How many do you want?”...
A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan....
Santa and his two friends are talking at a bar. His first friend says, ‘I think my wife is having an affair with the electrician. The...
Wife sent text to husband. “Hi I will get late, please cook dinner, then wash all dirty dishes and make sure you prepare our bed and...