A drunk was sitting in a bar looking at three small brown pellets in his hand. The bartender asked what they were, and the drunk replied...
A hunter goes into the woods to hunt a bear. He carries his trusty 22-gauge rifle with him. After a while, he spots a very large...
Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was engrossed in a magazine. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. “Listen to this,” she said. “There’s a classified...
An Irish man went to the courthouse to change his name legally changed. When he replied, the desk clerk asked “Can I help you sir?” Our...
Harry answers the telephone, and it’s an Emergency Room doctor. The doctor says, “Your wife was in a serious car accident, and I have bad news...
A guy comes home from the bar drunk one night around 3 in the morning. His wife is sleeping and he is trying to sneak into...
A man comes home from work and finds his wife admiring her fronts in the mirror. He asks, “What are you doing?” She replies, “I went...
A man visiting a doctor says, “Doctor I just dropped in to tell you how much I benefited from your treatment.” The doctor replied, “But you...
Teacher: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have? Johnny: One dollar. Teacher(sadly): You don’t know...
A lawyer is talking to his client. He says, “I have some good news, and I have some bad news.” The client says, “I could use...