Three old men Bert, Arnie and Harry was sitting on a park bench debating what the meanest animal in the world was. Bert said: “The meanest...
A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once...
A blind man walks into a bar with a bear on a chain and a parrot on his shoulder. “Hey,” the bartender exclaimed, “No animals are...
A boy decides to learn the language of all animals. Dad, there is a school where you can learn the language of animals. Please, give me...
A city kid went to his grandpa’s farm for the weekend. He tagged along as Pa did what had to be done around the place, taking...
Two men at a bus stop started a conversation. One of them keeps complaining of family problems. Finally, the other man says, “You think you have...
The elderly lady is in the Supermarket and starts throwing the frozen veggies on the floor, so the Manager asks if he can help. “I’m looking...