A blonde is terribly overweight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. “I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day,...
The following is supposedly a true story relating a situation that actually occurred during the war. During the Persian Gulf War, I was assigned to go...
A trucker came into a truck stop cafe and placed his order. He said, “I want three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair...
A beautiful woman loved growing tomatoes, but couldn’t seem to get her tomatoes to turn red. One day, while taking a stroll, she came upon a...
A blonde arrived for her first golf lesson and the pro asked her to take a swing at a ball to see how she’d do. The...
A cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. “Have you ever done anything of particular merit?” St. Peter asked. “Well, I can think of...
A lawyer and a blonde woman are sitting next to each other on a long flight from LA to NY. The lawyer leans over to her...
Two guys were working at a sawmill one day when one of the guys got too close to the blade and cut off his arm. His...
A State Government Employee sits in his office, and out of boredom decides to see what’s in his old filing cabinet. He pokes through the contents...
An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics. The class was already seated and...