A woman walks into the City Centralist office, trailed by 15 kids .. “WOW,” the social worker exclaims, “Are they ALL yours?” “Yeah, they are all...
The teacher asked all the students to write an essay on the subject My Pet. The next day she started checking the homework of everyone. After...
While doing a vasectomy, the doctor slipped and cut off one of the man’s balls. To avoid a huge malpractice suit, he decided to replace the...
A bus driver was plying his regular driving route when an old lady got on the bus and sat behind the driver, For every ten minutes...
A man and a woman were having drinks, getting to know one another and started bantering back and forth about male female issues. They talked about...
A judge was interviewing a woman regarding her pending divorce, and asked, “What are the grounds for your divorce?” She replied, “About four acres and a...
Two blonde girls walk into a department store. They walk up to the perfume counter and pick up a sample bottle. Sharon sprays it on her...
Two friends went to interview for the same job. They were both in the waiting area when the first friend got called for his interview. The...
Four married guys went fishing. After an hour or so, the following conversation took place: First guy: “You have no idea what I had to do...
Russ and Fred, two friends, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels and discuss world problems. One day Russ didn’t...