If you let me touch your wife’s bum and smack it, i will pay you $100,000 says a guy to his best friend. His friend gets...
An 8 year old girl went to her grandfather, who was working in the yard and asked him, “Grandpa what is couple make love?” The grandfather...
A woman meets a man in a bar. They talk; they connect. They end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and he shows...
Three nuns are talking and the first nun says, “u would never believe what i discovered.” Intrigued, the other to signal her to continue. “i found...
There once was a girl who wasn’t feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to...
Little Johnny is walking around and peaks in his parents room, catching them having lovemaking so he asks, “What are you guys doing?” and they reply...
Johnny went to school one day and later that day his dad got a call saying he needs to pick up his son because he had...
A guy goes on to a ship to sail and work but he notices no women on board. so he runs to the captain Guy: capt....
The teacher asks her class. “What is love?” Little Johnny stands up says, “love is the temptation caused by the sensation when a boy sticks his...
A guy is due to meet his friends for drink at a bar but arrives late. When he does eventually turn up his friends ask why...