Clean Jokes
A lawyer tries to make conversation when barber
A lawyer tries to make conversation when barber shaves his hair.
Barber whispers in lawyer’s ear: This kid is one of the dumbest kids in the world!
Look, watch out now…
Barber shouts the kid: John, come over! whereupon this kid goes the store calmly and salutes everyone with his dumb smile.
“look at him now” Barber whispers quitely and shows him $5 and $20, then he speaks: You can take which one you want.
The kid looks both of them and he finally takes $5.
Barber turns to lawyer.
“See, i told you.”
After he finishes shaving lawyer leaves the store and sees John.
He goes to him and he asks the reason why he took $5 instead of $20.
John replies him perfectly: Hahaha…if i take $20, the game would be over.