Funny Jokes
A girl is walking through a cemetery
A girl is walking through a cemetery at night.
She’s a little nervous because it’s dark, but it’s the shortest way to get to her home.
Suddenly she hears a distinct tapping noise from the graves on her left.
Her heart almost stops as she pauses mid-step.
She hears it again tap, tap, tap.
She screams and starts running down the path.
After a while she stops to catch her breath.
“This is silly” she thinks to herself “there must be a rational explanation.”
She slowly retraces her steps and walks towards the direction of the sound tap, tap, tap.
There, sitting on a grave, is a gentle old man with a small hammer and chisel.
He is tapping out an inscription on the tombstone.
“Phew! You scared me” the girl says, relieved upon seeing him.
“What are you carving there?”
The old man turns to her and smiles.
“I’m just correcting the spelling of my name”