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Funny Jokes

A hippie sees a very beautiful lady

A hippie in a bus sees a very beautiful lady and he goes to the lady and asks, “can I do my way with you?”

The lady replies by saying, “sorry i cant so that i am a nun my body and soul belongs to the lord.”

The hippie then walks away and exits the bus cause they have arrived and his bus stop but gets stopped by the bus driver you know that nun always goes to the cemetery and prays so you should go there dressed up like Jesus and ask her to do your way with her says the bus driver.

The hippie says okay and waits till midnight and goes to the cemetery and sees the nun praying then he put his Jesus outfit and asks the nun to do her way with her and he shall forgiver her sins.

She says yes but do it from behind so i will not lose my purity and they start to make love and when they were done the hippie rips his outfit of and says surprise its me the hippie!

And then the nun rips her dress of and screams surprise its me the bus driver!


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