Funny Jokes
A man is working in a toy store
A man is working in a toy store, when a brunette walks in.
She asks him how much for the black toy?
He replies $50 for the black one, $50 for the white one.
She leaves without purchasing anything.
A red head walks in and asks him how much for the white toy?
He replies $50 for the white one, $50 for the black one. she doesn’t buy anything.
A blonde enters the store and asks him how much for a toy?
He answers $50 for a black one, $50 for a white one.
She asks how much for the plaid one on the shelf behind him?
He says oh that’s a very special one, that’s $250. She buys it.
At closing, the manager walk in and asks the man how much he sold.
The man said no toys but i sold your thermos for $250.