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Funny Jokes

Three nuns died in a car accident

Three nuns died in a car accident.

They reached to the gates of heaven but the person who let’s people in said, “so I know you are people of the cloth but I decided that I am not going to just let people in, I’m going to give you a test”.

So he goes to the youngest nun and says “who was the first man on earth”.

Nun 1: “Adam” a hand reaches out and pulls her in.

He goes to the middle aged nun and says “who was the first woman on earth”.

Nun 2: “Eve” a hand reaches out and pulls her in.

He goes to the oldest nun and says “since you are the eldest you are going to get a hard question, what were Eves first words to Adam?”

Nun 3: “that is a hard one”. A hand reaches out and pulls her in.


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