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Funny Jokes

Two nuns are grocery shopping

Two nuns are doing their grocery shopping.

As they pass the cooler full of beer, one nun says longingly to the other one,

“A cold beer would go down great tonight!”

“Indeed,” the other nun replies, “but how can we show up with beer at the check-out counter?”

“Don’t worry, I have a plan,” the other nun answers.

“Grab a six-pack.”

The cashier is surprised when he sees the beer, but the one nun is ready with an explanation.

“We use the beer to wash our hair” she says.

“At the convent, we call it ‘Catholic shampoo.'”

Without hesitation the cashier bends down, grabs a package of pretzels, and throws it in one of the nuns’ groceries bags, saying “The curlers are on the house.”


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