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Joke of the day

Johnny Knocks On The Door


An 8-year-old Little Johnny knocks on the door of a br0thel…

The Madam opens it up, looks down and sees the kid.

“What do you want?”

The Johnny says, “I wanna get laid!”

The Madam says, “Yeah, come back in ten years.”

“But I wanna get laid.”

The Madam bends down and says,

“Kid, get out of here, come back in ten years. Tell you what, go find a tree with a hole in it and practice.”

Ten years later, the Little Johnny knocks again on the door.

The Madam recognizes him instantly,

“Kid! You’re back!”

Then Little Johnny says,

“You said to wait ten years, so I did.”

Did you practice on the tree-like I told you?”

“Yes ma’am, I did!”

The Madam is so impressed that she walks him upstairs to the best lady in the house.

As the lady undresses, the Little Johnny walks over to the closet, grabs a broom, and starts whacking the pr0st!tute.

The lady screams, “What are you doing kid?”

“Checking for squirrels.”

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