A good-looking guy is sitting in a bar, sipping a whiskey. He notices a gorgeous woman at the end of the bar, talking with a friend....
A guy is sitting at a bar in a skyscraper restaurant high above the city. He’s slamming tequila left and right. He grabs one, drinks it,...
Two old women are discussing the disgusting habits of their husbands. “Even after all these years, my husband will not stop biting his nails,” the first...
Frank and John left the bar after a long night of drinking, jumped in the car and started it up. After a couple of minutes, an...
A bus full of ugly people had a head on collision with a truck. When they died, God granted all of them one wish. The first...
A teacher fell asleep in class and a little naughty boy walked up to him, Little boy: “teacher are you sleeping in class?” Teacher: “No I...
A man in a hospital bed called for his doctor & asked, “Give it to me straight. How long have I got?” The physician replied that...
A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner. The clerk looks at her and...
One day a blonde came home from school and came to her mother and said, “Hey, Mommy! Mommy! Today in school we learned to count. The...
A blonde was so upset about everyone always making fun of her being blonde that she decided to hang herself. A little while later, a couple...
Harry and his wife are driving in the country when he sees a sign that reads: “Cow For Sale — $5,000.” He pulls in and says...
A man walked into an insurance office and asked two senior executives for a job. “We’re not taking on new staff,” they said. “But you can’t...
Three old men Bert, Arnie and Harry were sitting on a park bench debating what the meanest animal in the world was. Bert said: “The meanest...
A couple were driving home late at night in the pouring rain when their car accidentally ran over a badger. They got out of the car...
A woman was out driving when she stalled at a red light. Hard though she tried, she was unable to restart the engine and soon a...
A man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her, draws in a large breath of air and tells...
A new teacher was getting to know the kids by asking them their name and what their father did for a living. The first little girl...
A little old lady tried to phone her local bank but was put through instead to the bank’s call center in India. “Is that the High...
A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they were undressing for bed, the husband, who was a big...
The bartender asked a guy sitting at the bar: “What’ll you have?” The guy answered: “A scotch, please.” The bartender handed him the drink and said:...