A guy comes home from the bar drunk one night around 3 in the morning. His wife is sleeping and he is trying to sneak into...
A man is walking along one day and he comes upon a ladder. Looking up, he sees that the ladder disappears into the clouds. Curious, he...
A young boy asked his mother “Ma, is it true that people can be taken apart like machines?” “Of course not, where did you hear such...
A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the...
A man went to the Doctor and the doctor told him he had only 24 hours to live. He goes home to tell his wife and...
A woman goes to the doctor with a black eye, and really looking rough. The doc says, “What happened?” The woman replies, “Every time my husband...
An old sea captain with one wooden leg, one hook replacing a missing hand, and one missing eye goes into a bar. The sailor sitting next...
A man comes home from work and finds his wife admiring her fronts in the mirror. He asks, “What are you doing?” She replies, “I went...
The little daughter asked her mother, “How do you make a baby?” The mother didn’t know how to react. So she thought real hard, “Well, daddy...
A wife, arriving home from a shopping trip, was horrified to find her husband in bed with a lovely young woman. Just as the wife was...
A blonde was complaining to her friend about constantly being called a dumb blonde. Her friend tells her “Go do something to prove them wrong! Why...
A man visiting a doctor says, “Doctor I just dropped in to tell you how much I benefited from your treatment.” The doctor replied, “But you...
A couple comes up to a wishing well. The guy leans over, makes a wish, and throws in a penny. His wife decides to make a...
Two guys are out hunting deer. The first guy asks, “Did you see that?” “No,” the second guy says. “Well, a bald eagle just flew overhead,”...
Mr. Rabinowicz goes to the doctor for a check up. After extensive tests the doctor tells him, “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you....
Teacher: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have? Johnny: One dollar. Teacher(sadly): You don’t know...
Three guys are discussing women. “I like to watch a woman’s melons best,” the first guy says. The second says, “I like to look at a...
A Hunter walking through the jungle found a huge dead elephant with a pigmy standing beside it. Amazed, he asked: “Did you kill that?” The pigmy...
A lawyer is talking to his client. He says, “I have some good news, and I have some bad news.” The client says, “I could use...
Two men are in a bar getting drunk. Suddenly one of them throws up all over himself. He says, “Oh, no. Now my wife will kill...