A man walks into a dimly lit bar and the bartender asks him, “Why is the front of your shirt all bloody?” His customer answers in...
The first grade class in Brooklyn comes in from recess. Teacher asks Sarah, “What did you do at recess?” Sarah says, “I played in the sand...
The tourist in London climbed into a cab and noticed by the license that his cab driver’s name was Winston Churchill. Trying to make conversation, he...
A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner. The price of a pretzel was 25 cents. Every day a young man would leave his...
A woman is in a coma. Nurses are in her room giving her a sponge bath. One of them is washing her “private area” and notices...
Three old men were talking about how much their hands shook. The first old guy said, “My hands shake so bad, that when I shaved his...
A man having lunch at a Chinese restaurant noticed that the table had been set with forks, not chopsticks. He asked why. The waiter said “Chopsticks...
The boss joined a group of his workers at the coffee urn and told a series of jokes he’d heard recently. Everybody laughed loudly. Everybody, that...
An English teacher spent a lot of time marking grammatical errors in her students’ written work. She wasn’t sure how much impact she was having until...
A young boy was looking through the family album and asked his mother, “Who’s this guy on the beach with you, with all the muscles and...
Two guys were discussing life in general over drinks one night. “My grandfather lived to be 96.” “Ninety-six? What finally got him?” “Liquor and women.” “Well,...
Two deaf people get married. During the first week of marriage, they find that they are unable to communicate in the bedroom when they turn off...
A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected: a half-gallon of 2% milk, a carton of eggs, a quart of orange juice, a...
A group of young children were siting in a circle with their teacher. She was going around in turn asking them all questions. “Davy, what noise...
Two strangers were seated next to each other on a long flight when the first guy turned to the second and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard...
An English teacher asked her class to write an essay on what they’d do if they had a million dollars. Alec handed in a blank sheet...
This guy went into a night club and saw a gorgeous honey sitting by herself at the bar, he asked her to dance. She agreed and...
A man takes his visiting country cousin to dinner at a posh restaurant. They walk in, are ushered to a table by a formally dressed maitre...
Two hunters get up early one morning to go hunting. They live way out in the country, so all they have to do is walk from...
A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there, another customer walked in and went over...