Two old farmers, Joe and Bob, lived as neighbors but didn’t like each other much. In 1999, there was a period of 30 degrees centigrade cold...
An old woman is riding in an elevator in a very lavish New York City Building, When a young and beautiful woman gets into the elevator,...
A young woman was preparing for her wedding. She asked her mother to go out and buy a nice long black negligee and carefully place it...
Three old ladies are sitting around a table playing bridge and bragging about their sons. “My Freddie,” said Margaret, “Everyone should be so lucky to have...
A young man couldn’t decide which girl to marry. He liked one girl, but he really liked another one named Maria, too. He decided to ask...
A man meets woman at a bar and asks her “Would you have lovemaking with me for 10 million dollars?” Without skipping a beat she screams....
A magazine reporter is traveling through a rain forest, in search of a fabled cannibalistic tribe. He falls into a trap, goes unconscious and wakes up...
A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door. “Hurry!” she said, “stand in the corner.” She quickly...
Two guys are driving along in a car when they see two dogs mating in someone’s yard. The driver says, “That is great. My wife and...
Mitsy and Milda were talking about their grandchildren after the holidays. Mitsy said, “My daughter-in-Law stopped making my grandchildren send their thank you notes. Each year...
A fifteen-year-old Amish boy and his father were in a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls...
Three old ladies were sitting at the dinner table discussing their problems with getting old. The first one said, “Sometimes I catch myself with a jar...
Three 7-year-old boys were sitting on the curb one day saying what they wanted to be when they grew up. The first boy said, “When I...
Friday night, Patrick went to his friend Paddy and said “Paddy, I need a favor I’m sleeping with the bartender’s wife. Can you hold him in...
A little boy and a little girl attended the same school and became friends. Every day they would sit together to eat their lunch. They discovered...
A boss said to his secretary, “I want to make love with you, but I will make it very fast. I’ll throw $1,000 on the floor...
A letter an 83-year-old lady wrote to her grandson. My dear grandson, Some days ago, I experienced something wonderful, which I want to share with you....
A mother comes home from work to find that her kids are hiding behind the couch. She asks what’s wrong, and the kids reply that Aunt...
A farmer walks into a lawyer’s office and says: “I’d like to get one of them-that day-vorce-ees” “Yes sir, I believe I can help you” replied...
A 75-year-old man walked into a crowded doctors waiting room and approached the desk. The Receptionist said, ‘Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for...