A couple in the backyard. The wife bends over to pick something up. Her husband looking at her behind says: “wow, your bum is bigger than...
A guy walks into a bar and, and notices that behind the bartender there is a big gigantic jar full of 20-dollar bills. So the guy...
A blonde decides to make an experiment. She gets a spider, and pulls of two legs and tells it to walk. It walks a few steps,...
Toward the end of the golf course, Dave somehow managed to hit his ball into the woods finding it in a patch of pretty yellow buttercups....
Daddy, how was I born? The father answers, ‘Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first...
A doctor was having an affair with his nurse. Shortly afterward, she told him she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the...
A 5-years-old was visiting his grandmother. Playing with his toys in her bedroom while Grandma was dusting. He looked up and said, “Grandma, how come you...
During one of her daily classes a teacher trying to teach good manners, asked her students the following question: “Michael, if you were on a date...
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, doctor,” said the curvy call girl. “I feel tired, dragged out. Pooped. No pep. No get up and go....
Two young lovers go up to the mountains for a romantic winter vacation. When they get to the cabin, the guy goes out to chop some...
A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop. The cardiologist was there...
A woman, cranky because her husband was late coming home again, decided to leave a note, saying, “I’ve had enough and have left you…don’t bother coming...
A man is lost in the woods and it is getting dark. As he walks through the woods he comes across a small cabin. He goes...
A woman wakes up in the middle of the night only to find her husband wasn’t there. She puts on her robe and takes a sip...
There was a little girl who really loved dolls. She had a big collection of them in her bedroom. One day, while she was browsing through...
A female teacher was having a problem with a boy in her class in 3rd grade class. The boy said, “Teacher, I should be in 4th...
Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get...
An Alabama pastor said to his congregation, “Someone in this congregation has spread a rumor that I belong to the Ku Klux Klan. This is a...
Three engineers are riding in a car: an electrical engineer, a chemical engineer, and a Microsoft engineer. Suddenly the car stalls and stops by the side...
A man came to visit his grandparents, and he noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch in the rocking chair wearing only a shirt, with nothing...