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Relationship Jokes

He tells his doctor

A man stops by his doctor’s office.

He tells his doctor of his concern for his wife’s hearing.

“She doesn’t answer me when I ask her questions.” He told his doctor.

After a lengthy conversation, the doctor thinks of a simple test the man can do: “Stand about twenty feet behind your wife and ask her a question. If she doesn’t answer, move five feet closer and ask again. Do this until she answers you and you’ll know how bad her hearing loss is.”

The man, ecstatic at the idea of having of analyzing his wife’s hearing problem, runs home.

When he arrives he finds his wife preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Following his doctor’s instructions, the man stood twenty feet behind his wife and asks “What’s for dinner, honey?”

No response from his wife, so the man steps five feet closer and asks again: “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

No answer again. The man steps five feet closer putting him about ten feet behind his wife and asks again: “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

No answer. The man steps five feet closer and asks again: “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

“Jesus!” The man’s wife yells.

“For the fourth time: We’re having meatloaf!”


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