An old man goes to his doctor, complaining about a pain in his leg that doesn’t heal and wants a diagnosis and explanation. The doctor checks...
A woman walked into the kitchen and found her husband walking around with a fly swatter. “What are you doing?” the woman asked. “Hunting mosquitoes” He...
An old man turned 115 and was being interviewed by a reporter for the local paper. During the interview, the reporter noticed that the yard was...
A woman went to a lawyer to discuss divorcing her husband. “Don’t you love him anymore,” asked the lawyer? “Oh, I still love him,” the woman...
A boss says to his secretary, “we are travelling abroad for the week so make arrangements” . The secretary makes call to her husband, “My boss...
A Football team was on the field during practice, When to their surprise, a big turkey suddenly walked up to the coach and demanded a tryout....
Three women friends, one in a casual relationship, one engaged to be married and one a long-time wife, met for drinks after work. The conversation eventually...
A female secretary was helping her new boss set up his computer and asked him what word he would like to use as a password to...
Two guys are driving along in a car when they see two dogs mating in someone’s yard. The driver says, “That is great. My wife and...
A lady went to a doctor’s office, and was being examined by a doctor. A few minutes into the examination, screeching could be heard from the...
Earl and Johnny go out on a hunting trip together. The nights are already cold so they don’t mind sharing the tent for one. At around...
A sixty-four-year-old man is sitting on a park bench, sobbing when a young man walks by and asks him what’s wrong. Through his tears, the old...
Martin and his wife Debbie walk into a dentist’s office. Martin says to the dentist, “Doc, I’m in one heck of a hurry I have three...
A little boy said to a little girl: I’m your BF! The little girl asked: What is BF? The boy laughed and answered: That means Best...
A man was riding on a full bus minding his own business. When the gorgeous woman next to him started to breastfeed her baby. The baby...
WIFE: Darling why are you home this early wearing such a Long face? HUSBAND: Had a terrible day, I lost all my colleagues today at work....
There are five cows on a farm, one mamma cow and four baby calves. The first baby walks up to the mom and asks, “Momma, why...
The wife served breakfast to the Husband. Along with that, she gave me a tablet also and said: “Take this Paracetamol after breakfast.” Husband: “Why? I...
A farmer named Patrick lived alone in the Irish countryside with his pet dog: The dog finally died, and Patrick went to the parish priest, saying....
Grandpa Joe was being taken by his grandchildren to his new nursing home. They took him in on his wheelchair. A young nurse met them. “Welcome...